Monday, January 9, 2012

Just Go Read.

An Open Letter To The Anti-Gun Folks

Seriously. Go read the whole thing. I won't even try to add to it, it's that's good; all I will say is that I am proud to count myself among her people. I will work harder in 2012 to remain one of those people.

Please, just go read.

That is all.


North said...

I was about half way through reading it a little after she posted. About half way and I said "good Lord" out loud.

That is the difference. Take vs. give.

I have given to her, expecting nothing in return. I helped her with a few things for her, not for me. A lot of people have given to her, not for their own gain, but just to give.

She just gave something wonderful to us.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That was excellent.