Monday, January 30, 2012

New Leather...

As I alluded last week, Michael of Michael’s Custom Holsters and I got to talking a while back. I had asked him about a larger holster, similar to the Executive II that I reviewed for him a while back, for my Smith & Wesson model 242ti. It's a shame that I didn't have a proper holster for a gun absolutely built for concealed carry, and Michael accepted my challenge. He worked his holster magic, and came up with this new as-yet-unnamed design:

New holster from Michael

Did it work for the 242ti? Are little green apples green?

242ti and its new home

Of course, the 242 isn't the only mid-sized S&W revolver I have that's set up for carry:

The model 13 is jealous!

Smith & Wesson model 13-3 with 3" barrel, the FBI standard for years.

And, of course, a group shot:

Sharing is caring

Girls, girls, you're both pretty! You can both share the new holster!

I carried the 242ti for the better part of the day yesterday, and it's nothing short of amazing. The 242ti is a pretty light gun - loaded it weighs under a pound and a half - but it's a mid-sized revolver, not exactly the smallest gun to conceal. With this holster, though, all I needed was a shirt to tuck in over it and it all but disappeared (Mrs. G. noticed the grip trying to poke its way out when I was sitting on the top of the stairs leaning way over - not a normal position in the least - but she also knew I was trying out a holster...)

Obviously one day's not enough time to properly test a holster, so I'm just going to have to start carrying a mid-sized wheelgun more often. I can go with the 242, which is lighter and has 1+ capacity over the 13, or I can take the 13, which is chambered in the more powerful .357 Magnum cartridge and has the capability of single action. I can hit a 4" steel plate 13 at 25 yards with the Model 13, so that's not inconsequential. Guess I'll have to alternate between the two!

Oh, and stay tuned later this week for more holster goodness...

That is all.


Brad_in_IL said...

Get another holster and carry both. Problem solved.

Dave H said...

Brad's right - southpaws need love too!

Roger said...

Can you re-holster after drawing with the new leather?

Jay G said...


If I'm going to do a NY reload, it's going to be with a J-frame not an L-frame! :)

Dave H.,

I am almost certain that Michael can do left-handed holsters as well as right-handed...


Excellent question, and yes, it is quite easy. The holster is quite firm and allows for re-holstering without issue.

Rifleman762 said...

Jay- do you know why the 242 and 296 have "camel's humps" like the Bodyguards, but no external hammer? Why didn't they either just make them hammer shrouds, or cut them the same as the Centennials?

Guffaw in AZ said...

Carried a Model 65 for years (not a 13, due to my corrosive sweat!)
Had to use a Bianchi Black Widow (open bottom) as no one made a 3" holster.
Times have indeed changed!

Jay G said...


I would imagine that the hammer is larger on the L-frames than the J-frames (i.e. there wouldn't be enough room in the same "slanted" back of the J-frame hammerless).


Now that's interesting. I would have gone with a 4" holster for coverage, given that there's only about eleventy billion 4" .38 Special revolvers out there... :)

My 3" holsters have both been customs, however...

Lokidude said...

Were it me, living in the free world, I'd be all about packing that awesome 242. 38 Special has killed plenty of men stone dead.

However (serious question) if you ever had need of it, what are the odds it would get confiscated in the aftermath, even of a textbook righteous shoot?

Jay G said...

Oh, I expect that any firearm I would use in a defensive shooting would be gone forever. I also expect that *if* I need to deploy my defensive sidearm, things have gone so pear-shaped that losing my pistola is the very least of my worries.

I won't carry my grandfather's Colt Official Police or the WWI-issue 1911, because they're too valuable to me. Other than that, there's no firearm in my armory that I'd shed a tear over losing if it saved my life...

Bubblehead Les. said...

Pie or Ice Cream, Pie or Ice Cream... Pie Ala Mode!

But I'd make the 242 the "Harley" Gun. It's so shiny and just looks like it fits on a Fat Bob!

With a Chrome Plated Mare's Leg on the other side.

And I'm NOT Joking. Think of the Coolness!

Adam said...

Michael should name it the "Mass-hole".. lol

Jennifer said...

That's some nice looking leather there. Must be a pretty talented guy that made it ;)
Yes Dave, he's made several holsters for southpaws. There's one in the studio right now, actually.