Friday, January 27, 2012


Heh. My Friday Gun Pr0n is just about to be eclipsed by the DGC...

FarmDad send me this one last night in Gunblogger Conspiracy chat:

Slaton man kills home intruder
One person is dead and two are in the hospital after a Slaton homeowner interrupted, and shot, a home intruder Thursday.

Fred Melcher, 69, was entering his home on the 1400 block of Lynn Street when he and Edith Ayers, 51, interrupted an intruder. Authorities say Melcher knew the intruder and believed he was being robbed.
"Knew the intruder" is wide open for interpretation. Could be someone who'd done work on the house, could be a neighborhood kid, could be someone he knew from work. In any case, the recently-reduced-to-room-temperature goblin was in Melcher's home uninvited and was redistributing Melcher's belongings. When confronted, he started shooting. There's precious little reason to believe this is anything other than a 100% good shoot.

Dead Goblin Count: 249

And this one comes from reader Tim:

Police: Midwest City man fatally shoots intruder
MIDWEST CITY, Okla. (AP) — Police say a Midwest City man shot and killed a man who kicked down the door of his home.Police Chief Brandon Clabes tells The Oklahoman ( ) that the shooting happened at about 7:45 a.m. Thursday. Police say the man grabbed his gun after hearing his dog growling and two hard kicks on his front door.

Yeah, kicking in a door in OK will get your @$$ shot. Especially if you have a gun in your hand. More reasons for carrying all the time, even in your own home - how much time does it take to kick in the average front door? 5 seconds? 10? Enough time to run upstairs and unlock the gun from the safe? Doubtful.

Carry your guns, people.

Dead Goblin Count: 250

(only one less than the Gun pr0n!)

That is all.


Dirk said...

Re: the first line of this post...

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Jay G said...

Heck no! That's why I started it off with "Heh"... :)

David Neylon said...

Looks like your typewriter is dropping the 'n' key. :)

Jay G said...


Thanks David...