Saturday, January 28, 2012

SHOT Show Blogroll Update...

There's a good number of folks that I met at SHOT 2012, and I'm going to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to the blogroll. I'll also use this time to add a few new blogs I've found since my last update (yeah, about that "once a week" thing...)

Folks I met at SHOT:

Richard from BlueSheepDog. Richard was my editor at Guns, Holsters, and Gear, and is just as nice in person as via e-mail. It was great to meet him and Randy in the press room - never underestimate the value of obsessively checking name badges to see if it's someone you know... :)

Alan Korwin from Alan shared bread (literally and figuratively) with me at the gunblogger dinner during SHOT.

Destinee from FateofDestinee. Keep an eye on her - she's smart, funny, and is a breath of fresh air in the pro-gun movement. Her podcasts are engaging, entertaining, and informative.

Mr. Completely
. I met Mr. C. in the press room the first day at SHOT, and one of the first questions he asked me was "When are you going to Gunblogger Rendezvous?" It's not in the cards this year, but I'm going to add it to the list of meets to make!

Ron from When the Balloon Goes Up. Ron made our blogger dinner, and accompanied Gene and I on the walk home from the Venetian. I figure anyone that can survive a 2 mile walk through the streets of Sin City with me is good people...

Dennis from Gunspec. Gunspec, Dennis explained, is a new online utility to help folks find guns, gun parts, ammunition, and other accessories. He's full of enthusiasm for the business, and operates out of New York, so I empathize with a fellow oppressed brother...

Chas from the Southern Rockies Nature blog. I met Chas at the blogger dinner, and happens at these events, didn't have nearly enough time to talk to everyone that I would like.

Chris from the Internet Movie Firearms Database. What's not to like about a guy who started a gunnie resource for all the guns in TV and the movies? Chris was a lot more laid back than I expected someone from IMFDB to be... :)

Kevin from Misfires & Light Strikes/TeamGunblogger. Kevin was our community organizer - a role I was happy to leave to someone else - and had the exquisite pleasure of trying to herd cats arrange things for the group. Thanks Kevin!

Jackie from Great Satan Inc. Jackie, one half of Great Satan, Inc., lead to a rather humorous exchange. I had moved down to the other end of the table to say hi and to chat with Jackie, Kevin, and Mr. C., and during a lull in conversation Jackie asked me what kind of competition shooting I did. I responded with "You mean you haven't heard of the new 'minute-of-berm' stage?" Thanks AD...

Chris The Firearms Coalition. Chris joined us all for dinner, regaling us with stories from The Gun Rights War, which Chris was kind enough to give me a signed copy for review. Thanks Chris!

Kenn from Black Man with a Gun. I managed not to squee (too bad) when I realized that I was standing in line next to THE Kenn Blanchard.

Frank James from Corn, beans, spent brass, an empty page and a deadline. Frank caught me off guard at Media Day when he called out "Hey, you're JayG. I read your blog!" while I was standing in line at the SlideFire booth. I turned, looked, and realized who it was saying those words...

I know there are more folks that I met at SHOT; I apologize if I've forgotten anyone (and if I have, let me know in comments!).

There are non-SHOT related blogs I need to add to the 'roll as well:

JB on the Rocks.

Zombie Rush.

Last Refuge of a Scoundrel.

I have GOT to stop going so long between updates... Welcome aboard everyone!

That is all.


Bushwack said...

You forgot Tim from The celebrity shooting sports charity tour

ExurbanKevin said...

Setting up the blogmeet weren't no chore at all. It was great to meet all of you.

Mad Saint Jack said...

We need more interaction between bloggers and youtubers.

ExurbanKevin said...

+1 to that, Mad Jack.

JD Rush said...

Thank you for the welcome. It's still weird seeing my blog's name on another site.