Thursday, January 26, 2012

Something New in Your Browsers...

If you'll cast your eyes URL-ward, you'll note I've pulled the trigger (HA! A gun pun!) on the new URL for MArooned. It's set up so that (theoretically) it will redirect you here if you come in via the stuckinmassachusetts.blogspot address, so if you really don't feel like changing, that's fine, but for those of you (like your humble host) with an anal-retentive streak, you'll want to note the new and improved URL in your links and whatnots.

That's, not - a net savings of 20 characters! :)

A shiny new non-incredibly long URL! What will they think of next?

That is all.


Alan said...


Jay G said...

Heh. Hey, I don't like to rush things, what can I say?

At least I didn't call it a "re-branding", right? ;)

bluesun said...

What is this, a website for ants? The URL should be at least... THREE TIMES that big!

Skul said...

The old one was a bit more discriptive.
The new one is cleaner.
I come here to read your stuff, not your URL.
Still good stuff.

Mike W. said...

An automated turtle wax dispenser for your head maybe? :P

David said...

Congrats on the "official" URL. Blogroll link updated.

Weer'd Beard said...

FUCK! Now I can't razz you anymore for having a stupid-long URL!

Larry said...

I still have a stupid-long URL, though.

TOTWTYTR said...

Fine! I'll update the stinkin' URL.

Happy now?
