Monday, January 30, 2012

Tough Call on an Addition...

Robert T. sends in the following DGC addition that's a little harder to call than most...

Coroner: 'No evidence' of struggle in Travelers Rest shooting
TRAVELERS REST, SC – The Greenville County Sheriff's Office is investigating a deadly shooting that occurred on Wednesday night at 14 Terrace Road, located just north of Travelers Rest city limits.

According to deputies, dispatchers received a 911 call around 9:30 p.m. from someone at the residence who said he had shot a man that was trespassing.
As it stands, the deceased had a previous "no-trespass" notice for the same address, so he is known both to the homeowners and to police, and shouldn't have been there. Neither the "shot in the back" nor the "no sign of a struggle" would be worrisome by themselves - there are many reasons why someone might present a valid threat while being in a position to be shot in the back, and there wouldn't be any sign of struggle if a goblin pulled out a gun and got shot for his trouble.

But put together, the two are worrisome. Why the homeowner went out to confront someone they'd already put on notice to stay off their property is a mystery - why not just call the cops and let him get himself in trouble? But then again, he also could have been making threats, or causing property damage, or any number of things to make the homeowner confront him. The deceased had already gone to an address where he had a notice filed with the police for him to stay away and started trouble with someone there. Upon being confronted with an armed adversary, he persisted in causing trouble.

Unless more evidence comes to the contrary, I'm ruling this a valid DGC addition.

Dead Goblin Count: 251

That is all.


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"Why the homeowner went out to confront someone they'd already put on notice to stay off their property is a mystery"

At a guess, it was because he had confronted a woman who had been outside who retreated into the home - there may have been a concern that he would try to enter as well, and the idea was to try and stop him before that point.

As for him being shot in the back, one possible scenario is that the homeowner didn't have the shotgun actually aimed at him, and the trespasser stepped toward him, but turned around as the homeowner raised the gun and pulled the trigger. There are other possibilities, of course.

If something like that happened, I'd call it a good shoot. Of course, there's no way of telling what we don't know that could change that, until the investigation is done with. But unless there's something significant missing, I'd say it's at least not a bad shoot.

Bubblehead Les. said...

I think this could be a "Clean Shoot" due to the "Disparity of Force" defense. Paraphrasing Mas Ayoob, this is where the Bigger, Stronger Male confronts and Threatens a smaller, less stronger Female, even though the Male has no weapon. His BODY is considered the Weapon. She did go inside to get away from the perp, and the other Guy had to come out Armed to try and persuade him to leave. But the Perp refused to leave. Perhaps the Perp threatened to get his own gun from the Car. Also, does SC have Castle Doctrine? Depending on how it is written, "Castle Doctrine" means one does NOT have to call "911" before using Deadly Force, nor Retreat. So, unlike those who are "Stuck Behind Enemy Lines," this may have been all that was need to pull the Trigger in SC.

I think it should stand.

Robert said...

I was wondering about it when I sent it in to Jay. I suspect it was just like the others here are thinking, and that it should stand.

Mopar said...

Well, I *was* on the fence, especially since it appears the house where he was shot is where his kid's mamma lives. Then I looked at his facebook page. Full of posts about what a great guy he was. A regular little angel except for all the drug use stuff also on his facebook page. A quick check of the court system in his county shows multiple charges for things like burglary and grand larceny for someone with the same name and birthdate. I'm sure he was quite the choirboy.