Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Almost Forgot!

Happy Rush Day!

I saw Rush back in the '80s and '90s as part of the "Presto" and "Roll the Bones" tours. One of the things that really impressed me was how close to the studio sound the live act really is - very little "studio magic" or remixing needed for the Canadian power trio! Certain groups (Alice in Chains, I'm looking at yoooouuuuu) just don't have the same sound live as they do on the radio, and seeing them in concert can be disappointing to say the least. But not Rush, not by a long shot.

You didn't know it was Rush Day?? It IS 2/1/12...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Sir! May I have some more? Please?


Randall said...

I saw Rush in 1982 in Tallahassee. Rabid fan ever since.


RIckR said...

Aerosmith is like Rush in that matter. Live ALMOST sounds like studio. I saw them during the Permanent Vacation Tour, they blew me away. Def Lepard was like that also.

Stretch said...

No Rock like Big Hair Rock.

Irish said...

Good God I missed it.. been busy!!!

Thanks for the heads up Jay!