Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Amen, Blogdaughter, Amen...

My wicked smaht blogdaughter hits it WAY out of the pahk...

Better than nothing

Good job, kiddo! I will add only one thing to her excellent summation. This should go first, IMHO.
I may not want to ever drop the hammer on another human being, but I may have to, and I am prepared to do just that if forced. I do not want to do it, I will take every measure possible to avoid it including running like a scared rabbit, but if forced, I will take every necessary step.
Now, go read.

That is all.


Nancy R. said...

I agree that I don't ever want to shoot anyone. But I don't want to get knifed, either. Or worse, watch Sweet Daughter get carried away. That post wasn't perfect -- not by a long shot (see what I did there?). I don't have the eloquence I'd like, but if I waited until I found the right nuances, the post never would have gone up. Something was better than nothing. *VBG*

Dave H said...

Nancy R: Carefully crafted words have their place, but most of us live in the real world where "good enough" is good enough. Some things are too important to wait for better words.

But I thought you said it perfectly. It's almost like a civilian version of the Rifleman's Creed.