Thursday, February 9, 2012

Another Addition...

Reader Rick sends in the latest addition to the count:

Homeowner Shoots Suspected Intruder Dead on 225th Pl. SW in Esperance
A homeowner in the Edmonds neighborhood of Esperance shot and killed a suspected burglar Tuesday night, according to the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office.

A 911 call alerted the police to the shooting just after 8 p.m. at a house in the 8900 block of 225th Place Southwest, which is in unincorporated Snohomish County. It's a dead-end street off 90th Avenue West, which is north of 228th Street Southwest.
Details are scarce, as they usually are whenever a law-abiding citizen uses a firearm to dispatch a goblin. For some reason that completely escapes me right now (sorry about the sarcasm), the news is reluctant to report stories where folks with nefarious intent are actively and terminally prevented from accomplishing their unlawful aims.

Other articles at the site indicate that home invasions and burglaries had risen in the previous year, and that efforts had been taken by the police that had reduced the number in 2012. One has to wonder if the increasing number of goblins being relegated to room temperature by their intended victims might be taking a toll - goblins, even the thickest of them, start to learn after a while...

Dead Goblin Count: 253

That is all.


Phillip said...

On the positive side, when the newspaper details are sparse, there's less for a prosecuting attorney to feel compelled to jump on, or for a Personal Injury attorney to use. Lack of information in that case may be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I live about 4 blocks from there and this is not the kind of neighborhood you normally here about that stuff, but I'm alway's ready
Tim in Seattle