Thursday, February 2, 2012

Anyone Got a Spare $3K?

A friend sent me a link to the perfect coffee table for me:

That is just so stunningly geeky - and impressive workworking skills - that if I had the money to spend, I'd have bid on it already. I've got a buddy who's a fair hand with a chisel and sander; he built an absolutely stunning cradle when he found out that he was going to be a father - I wonder if I could commission him for another one of these?

You know I'd have to find one of the ST:TNG PADD covers for my iPad and leave it on the table...

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Ouch... $3K??? Somebody is pandering to a 'certain' crowd!

Bubblehead Les. said...

Glass Coffee Tables and Small Chillen in the House. Right.

Now if it was a scale Replica of the REAL Enterprise that shoots F/A-18's off its Flight Deck....; )

Jay G said...

NFO, you've got to admit, a lot of time went into carving that... Now, would I pay $3K for it?




Les, fortunately the kids are old enough that a glass-topped table would be fine.

The *other* Enterprise would be cool, too - especially if the F/A-18s were radio-controlled...

LWJ said...

Millennium Falcon would be a better table.

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"You know I'd have to find one of the ST:TNG PADD covers for my iPad and leave it on the table..."

Jay, have you tried this app yet?

I still want a "Don't Panic" cover for my Nook.

Atom Smasher said...

But the -C? Go classic (or -D) or go home!

Maddmedic said...

I'm with you JayG...
Thats the real deal!!

Would look fine in my family room.....

Ross said...

Wonder if he could do a REAL Enterprise - NCC-1701 - no bloody A, B, C, or D!