Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bloggers Helping Bloggers...

Mark e-mailed me to let me know that he's a former St. Louis resident and has put up a post with some general information on the area:

For those going to the NRA Convention

He's offered a few tips (one of which I had inadvertantly ignored, which is to stay outside of the city) and has offered to suggest restaurants (YES PLEASE!) for those of us attending the NRA Annual Meeting in 2012.

Thanks Mark!

That is all.


DaddyBear said...

Yeah, looks like Dragon and I made that mistake too. I wonder how open/concealed carry the venue is. Last year was nice.

Jay G said...

According to the NRA, there is no concealed carry allowed inside the convention center.

MO has a pretty significant list of "thou shalt nots" for carrying concealed, but the upside is the penalty: If you are found to be concealing in an establishment that forbids it, you have to leave...

Give me a holler about the hotel (I think we're in the same hotel) - Dragon and I were talking about having a get-together Thursday night for folks coming in...

Mark said...

For a sit down meet and greet, there are a couple of very good restaurants within walking distance of the convention center. If you let me know which hotel you're in I can tell which might be best for you.