Thursday, February 16, 2012

Judged By The Company One Keeps...


Jimmy Carter casts Occupy movement as successful

ATLANTA – Former President Jimmy Carter said on Wednesday that Occupy organizers have created a "relatively successful" movement because they focused national discussion on wealth disparity despite lacking leadership and a unifying set of goals.

The Georgia Democrat said at an event in Atlanta that Occupy organizers have succeeded in forcing the media and Congress to realize the "chasm is getting greater than leaps and bounds" between the rich and the poor.
And if anyone would know the meaning of the word "successful", it would be Jimmy Carter... His presidency was so successful that he only needed one term! It would be interesting to ask Jimmeh just what his criteria were for deciding that OccupyPlaceName was a success. Public land bespoiled? Police officer overtime? Most public displays of excretion? By any measurable metric, all these people did was cost cities and towns money in the form of security details.

Seriously, now. What, exactly, did the Occupy movement accomplish? They "raised awareness"? Really? Of what, exactly? That there are people in the 20-something age bracket that have made really lousy life choices and as such have nothing better to do than crap on police cars? What, praytell, did these people do other than commit crimes both petty and violent and destroy public land? Did any corporations renounce the bottom line and start giving their money away? Were the fundamentals of human nature reversed? No. Slackers slacked, the rest of us went to work cursing the idiots we had to step over.

Stick to building houses and farming peanut, Jim.

That is all.
Another dispatch from...
(image courtesy of Robb Allen)


Bubblehead Les. said...

Jay, unfortunately, the Occupy Movement is NOT Dead. Plans are being made for Big Rally out in Kalifornia, ACORN is asking for donations on the Kalifornia Teachers Union site.

I just think the Occupiers have decides to Hibernate for the Winter, and I expect them back in the Spring. It IS an Election year, after all.

Stretch said...

Jimmy Carter is still alive?

Sendarius said...

I holidayed in New Zealand recently - the OccupyWhateverSimpletons have even surfaced in Auckland.

They set up outside a Gloria Jeans coffee shop that has free wi-fi for customers. According to the store staff, the collective buys ONE coffee a day to get the wi-fi key, and the wi-fi traffic at the store is up by 10,000%.

I ignored them until one DSH (dirty smelly hippie) groped my 16 yo daughter.

Did you know that fresh coffee is HOT? And that the crotch area of dirty denim jeans is NOT water or heat proof?

Pam said...

Jimmy Carter is not successful - his only distinction is the Second Worst President in the history of the world.

Pam said...

Jimmy Carter is not successful - his only distinction is the Second Worst President in the history of the world.

Raptor said...

Could someone please tell me why that fluffing traitor has not yet been blindfolded and sent to the wall?