Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let Them Eat Arugula...

Union chief with $300G-plus salary on school voucher debate: 'Life's not always fair'

A New Jersey teachers union chief whose salary tops $300,000 is under fire for saying in a recent interview that "life's not always fair" while arguing against vouchers to send poor students to private schools.

New Jersey Education Association Executive Director Vincent Giordano made the comment on the local "New Jersey Capitol Report" program over the weekend. During the interview, he was challenged by the host on why low-income families should not have the same options as other families when their child is in a failing school.

The local newspaper reported Giordano's salary as in the mid-$400K range; the NJ Education Association disputed those figures - his salary is "in the three-hundred thousands, and the low three-hundred thousands." Well THAT makes all the difference, doesn't it? I mean, if he were making $349K a year, that'd be one thing, but $400K a year is just outrageous... The disconnect is amazing, isn't it? This guy makes multiple six figures suckling at the public teat, and the union has the audacity to challenge the number. It's not like the paper claimed $400K and the NJEA showed his W-2 at $85K here.

And don't lose sight of the big picture. This hack is making $300K+ for being the union chief of the "Education Associate" - basically, di capo di tutti capo in the Ed world. And his callous comment about poor folks - you know, folks that don't make six figures suckling at the public teat - not being able to afford private school? Imagine if it had been Mitt Romney who made that claim... It's natural that the union would oppose vouchers - fewer head count means fewer teachers; fewer teachers mean fewer union due$. Enough kids drop out, guys like Giordano would have to find a job in [GASP] the public sector [GASP] where they might not make 6 figs - and they won't have a union to back their every bleating...

Can't have that, screw the poor families. Real compassion there Vinnie...

That is all.

Another dispatch from...
(image courtesy of Robb Allen)

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