Sunday, February 12, 2012


DA: Couple Living In $860K Weston Home Stole Housing Aid

WESTON, Mass. (AP) — A couple living in an $860,000 home in one of the wealthiest communities in Massachusetts is going before a judge to answer charges of fraudulently obtaining tens of thousands of dollars in public housing subsidies.

Forty-five-year-old Paulo Montenegro and his 48-year-old wife, Rosana Pereira, of Weston, are scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday on charges of larceny by false pretense and conspiracy to commit larceny by false pretense.

He's a car salesman and she cleans houses, and no one questioned how they could afford a $860K house in one of the richest towns (read: taxe$ up the wazoo)? Yeah, there's plenty of mortgage oversight after the Fannie Mae debacle... And she under-reported income to get the mortgage? Does that make any sense to anyone? Wouldn't it make more sense to over-report income to get a mortgage for a $860K house? Lots of stuff that doesn't add up here, and it makes you wonder about how much worse the lending situation is still today that they're simply not reporting...

This is another one where I'd like to say "only in Massachusetts" but I fear this happens far more often in most other states...

That is all.


libertyman said...

Jeez, Jay, you are so harsh. That is a starter home in Weston.

~Katherine~ said...

*sigh* No surprise here. Up 'til two months ago, I was a college student who worked 2-3 jobs. I got by on a total income of about 14K/year. My bank--which presumably is at least somewhat familiar with my average account balance--spent most of the last two years sending me home loan offers.
And no, I didn't take them up on it.

Robert said...


Dude, er, I mean, dudette, take 'em up on it. Everyone else is... (Full disclosure: I've always lived within my means, even when it sucked).

WV "paryt" A dyslexic celebritaon.
WV 2nd try "parci" see above

Jay, can you fix the WV? It takes two tries every time even before I start drinking.