Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Northeast Blogger Fourth Annual AD Dinner...

Okay folks, I just received word that the venerable (no, not venerial) Ambulance Driver will be winging his way north at the end of the month. He'll be gracing us with his presence the last Sunday in February (2/26/12), so I figured we could toss together a dinner meeting that evening.

Like years past, the meeting should be somewhere mid-eastern MA, so I was thinking we could revisit the greater Boston area. I had in mind Polcari's in Saugus, MA - I'd like to treat AD to some decent ginzo food while he's here. Besides, I need another place or two to get some kilt pictures later this year...

The dinner should be on the earlier side, since it is a Sunday and many folks will want to make it an early night to get ready for the work week; so perhaps a 5:00 PM start to things? This allows for a couple solid hours of good food and conversation, with more time to chat after if desired. Unfortunately, work obligations prevent me from organizing any official shooting event, but if someone else wants to arrange I'm certain that folks would be up for it.

Again, in the standard format:

What: Fourth Annual Meet, Greet, and Shoot for Ambulance Driver

When: Sunday, February 26th, 5 PM

Where: Polcari's in Saugus, MA

Why: Meet the winner of the 2011 "Kilted to Kick Cancer" fundraising contest himself for an evening of good food, great company, and jokes revolving around the play on words of "animal husbandry"...

Let me know if this works for folks and I'll make some phone calls...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

In! I'll see if the Mrs. is interested. She needs to meet Kelly.

Yankeefried said...

Probably in with Mrs. Update later.

band aid bandit said...

Pending getting the time off work, I'm in. Missed all the good stories last year, so I will have to get in this year.

libertyman said...

I should be able to be there at 5. So put me down as coming.

Ross said...

Well, since I still have my membership at HSC, I'd be glad to play host - what's the schedule look like? When does he get in and how long is he here for?

Wally said...

Sounds like a great time, throw my name on the "IN" list!

Weer'd Beard said...

I'm officially +1.

Kelly NEEDS to tell some of his seizure faker stories to Twitch. I tried to re-tell a few of them and she just didn't believe me!

Daniel in Brookline said...

Put me down for a 'maybe', please. I've wanted in on one of these for a while, and it looks like I might actually be available this time.

MedicMatthew said...

I'm in!
I've already got my Sunday night shift covered so I can be there. I may be there with a +1 in tow.

TOTWTYTR said...

Ross, Kelly will be coming in on the 26th and we'll be heading out of town on the 29th, early.

That leaves us Monday and Tuesday for a shoot.

MedicMatthew said...

A Monday blogshoot would be spectacularly awesome for those traveling, if possible

MedicMatthew said...

If posdible, a Monday blogshoot would be spectacularly awesome for those traveling.

MedicMatthew said...

Gah! I attempted to fix a grammatical faux pas and managed to leave a comment with a typo. This is what I get for attempting to comment on my phone whilst riding shotgun in an ambulance.

SCI-FI said...

Me, possibly +1, depending on child-care