Muslim Admits to Attacking Atheist; Muslim Judge Dismisses Case
The judge in this case is a Muslim, and ruled according not to the rule of law but by his own feelings. He dismissed the charges and gave the victim a stern talking to and a lesson in Islam. This judge ignored the testimony of a police officer and claimed that it was only the victim's word against the accused - despite the police officer's testimony as well as video of the incident.The Pennsylvania State Director of American Atheists, Inc., Mr. Ernest Perce V., was assaulted by a Muslim while participating in a Halloween parade. Along with a Zombie Pope, Ernest was costumed as Zombie Muhammad. The assault was caught on video, the Muslim man admitted to his crime and charges were filed in what should have been an open-and-shut case. That’s not what happened, though.
The defendant is an immigrant and claims he did not know his actions were illegal, or that it was legal in this country to represent Muhammad in any form. To add insult to injury, he also testified that his 9 year old son was present, and the man said he felt he needed to show his young son that he was willing to fight for his Prophet.
Folks, I am too stunned for words here.
Some in the comments claim that this didn't happen, that they could find nothing other than "right-leaning blogs" commenting on this, so here's an ABC affiliate's report. From all counts, no one disputes that Perce was attacked by a Muslim for his costume. The "defense" was that the man "didn't know it was wrong" to attack people in America - yeah, let me know how that works out for you outside of a muslim court.
I really can't comment on this, because I suspect my true feelings would get me TJIC'd so fast it'd make your head spin. Suffice to say, this "judge" has no business being in a court of law, holding a law license, or being in a position of power of anything more potent than dog catcher. To allow his religious views to so thoroughly and completely cloud and overcome his judgement means he has no place on the bench - he has unabashedly proclaimed his inability to rule in an impartial manner.
I hope Perce appeals; I hope he sues; and I hope "Judge" Martin is removed from the bench immediately. Preferrably via trebuchet.
That is all.
Crap. I'd never thought I'd support the Radical Atheists, but...
Of course, I do want to see how the DOJ and Eric Holder and the Civil Rights Division will respond to this Flagrant Violation of the Atheist's Rights. I'm SURE they'll be right on top of it, even though it's an Election Year.....
Les, you don't have to support atheists - just the rule of law.
In a fair yet merciful court I'd expect to see that case ending in a guilty verdict but with probation and a suspended sentence. (Even though I know that wouldn't help Jay's BP, or mine.) But this court was neither fair nor merciful, it was a farce.
I hope Judge Martin gets investigated for judicial misconduct until his skin is raw.
It's not like the charges were dismissed due to skin color, eh Mr. Holder?
And the word "Crusade" is bad why?
Wow; removal from the bench with a trebuchet. Perhaps with the intended landing zone in the back of a truck hauling porkers to the abattoir.
Tar. Feathers. Jihadist scum.
Some assembly required.
I smell bacon in the wind!
Or is that freedom I smell?
Everything goes better with bacon.
Religion of peace, my ass.
What do you call a lawyer
with an IQ of 80?
In this case, at least,
"Your Honor."
Anon, Don
Enemy, domestic, there. Get a rope.
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