Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wanna Read Something Funny?

There's a real knee-slapper in this article:

Mayor Bloomberg, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino tackle illegal guns in Super Bowl ad
Mayor Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino are locked in a battle over the Giants vs. the the Patriots in a new Super Bowl advertisement released Friday.

The 30-second commercial was sponsored by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which is chaired by the two mayors, and will be broadcast during the game.
First off, I'd like either Bloomberg or Mumbles to explain to me what an "illegal gun" might be. The only instances I can think of are a gun that's had its serial number obliterated - even things like conversion to full auto can be done legally. They mean guns that are owned illegally, but presenting it that way would force them to acknowledge that this is a criminal issue, not a gun issue. Controlling criminals doesn't grow the nanny state, so they focus on inanimate objects.

Here's the knee-slapper, though:
“But we both support the Second Amendment,” Menino says.
Yeah, and I just sprouted wings and flew to Pluto...

That is all.


Eck! said...

They are both lying.

NYC all firearms are illegal mostly as a side result of the Sullivan Law. Bloomie was the whole state (and country) to be that way. FYI NYS you can buy a long gun with minimal (usual BATFE and NICS) grief, just done move to NYC with it.

Sullivan was an Illegal (as in criminal) mayor of NYC.

NYC is not all of NY state nor is Boston all of MA. Maybe this will kick that resentment up some.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Something to think about. Supposedly Mikey Bloomberg is Term Limited, and will be gone as Mayor of NYC in a few years. That is, if he doesn't have his Cronies make him a Mayor-for-Life, like the Dailey's in ChiTown were. But let's just say he does leave Office. He won't have any Political Immunity. Will he run the risk of doing Illegal "Straw Purchases" for MAIG when he's out of Office? Could he be Busted and Prosecuted? Or will he turn MAIG over to some other Anti-Gun Political Hack, and just sign Paychecks? Something to think about.

The Jack said...

Les. Bloomberg was already term limited. He got a special dispensation to get out of it.

Also recall the Bloomgerg's Army stuff. This is a man that brags about how many armed men he controls. And indulges in all the other food sins he wants to save us proles from.

But again, it's not about the guns it's about the control.

Daniel in Brookline said...

“But we both support the Second Amendment,” Menino says.

They probably meant that they support it for themselves personally. Their right to bear arms shall not be infringed. As for yours and mine, that's another story entirely.

WV: inale, as in what Bill Clinton didn't do...

.45ACP+P said...

I love calling out those who "support the Second Ammendment". The only way one can support it is to acknowledge the words "...SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" as it is written. Only by that definition "up hold as written" can you support it.