Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We Can Only Hope...

Issa threatens contempt proceeding against Holder if Justice fails to comply with Fast and Furious subpoenas
The head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is threatening to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress if he fails to comply with congressional subpoenas for documents. Holder has until Feb. 9 to comply.

In a four-page letter to Holder, Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., claims the Department of Justice has "misrepresented facts and misled Congress," which began its investigation of Operation Fast and Furious one year ago.
Boy, wouldn't it just be a kick in the pants if Holder insists on dragging this into a full-blown special prosecutor investigation just in time for the 2012 election? Remind everyone just how corrupt and Machiavellian this administration is as we head toward November? How they trumpeted "never let a crisis go to waste"? The complete and utter failure of the mainstream media to perform anything even remotely resembling journalism when it comes to Operation Gunwalker will someday be referred to as a textbook example of yellow journalism.

Only we'll mean yellow because they're afraid of harm coming to their investment...

That is all.

Another dispatch from...
(image courtesy of Robb Allen)


Old NFO said...

Yep, this time I'm REALLY Hoping for Change (e.g. filing of charges)... :-0

Stretch said...

Not Yellow Journalism.
Rather bright Red Journalism in the best tradition of Pravda and Izvestiya.

ParatrooperJJ said...

Holder isn't going to file charges against himself....

Roger said...

Holder and his cronies don't just have contemp of congress, but contempt of the people of the United States, contempt of the law and contempt of morality.
Does anyone see a similarity between the headquarters of the justice department and the Lubyanka?

markshere2 said...

My prime concern is that Eric will rat out the big O and he will be removed from office before the election.

That would leave the gaffer in the oval office and he's so dam dumb he actually told the world that the secret bunker location was under the vice president's houise.

Talk about a power vacuum!