Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Afternoon Funny

Blogson Merlin sends this one in. I laughed...

There are times when I wish the Dodge Earthf**ker had the Cummings diesel - this is one of them...

That is all.


Melody Byrne said...

technically our 3/4 ton Dodge Earth Sodomizer with the Cummins diesel is far more earth friendly than the Prius. I seem to remember a report a ways back that concluded that with the batteries needing to be replaced a Prius is actually harder on the environment than a Hummer. If that's true then certainly a vehicle that can carry 6 people and a load of lumber while getting 24 mpg of diesel would count. If you were to add in the environmental savings of being able to add an engine programmer, use biodiesel, and never need a delivery truck ever again I'm sure the environmental impact would be even smaller.

Old NFO said...

LOL, love it! :-)

wolfwalker said...

"There are times when I wish the Dodge Earthf**ker had the Cummings diesel - this is one of them..."

Maybe not ... the World Health Organization just said that diesel exhaust should be classified as a known carcinogen, similar (they said) to secondhand tobacco smoke. They claim that exposure can increase your risk of lung cancer and perhaps bladder cancer.

One more bit of evidence that merely living is hazardous to your health.

B said...

Strangely, my Dodge diesel lives well alongside my prius in the driveway.

Ancient Woodsman said...

Good luck ever finding a "Cummings" engine - there is no such thing. Sorry to be such a whiny truck driver, but there is no "G" in Cummins, Mr. G.

God Bless the E-one Hush pumper with the Cummins. I've driven a few and they are wonderful machines. A Detroit is nice, a Cat is great...but for me, there's just something special about a fire engine (or M123) with a Cummins.

Brad_in_IL said...

I showed this to one of my self righteous, prius-owning, sanctimonious acquaintences . . . needless to say he was not amused. And Mel, I think you and I read the same report about all the environmental damage caused by both making and disposing of the lithium-ion cells.


Thirdpower said...

I'm a Prius owner and I laughed.

anonymous said...

Much rather have this car than a prius - it seems more useful.