Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Father of the Year...

agg79 sends in another great story:

Dad beats daughter’s alleged molester to death
A father who said he saw a man molesting his 4-year-old daughter behind a barn in Lavaca County apparently beat the man to death Saturday afternoon, officials said.

The death occurred about 3:45 p.m. at a horse barn along County Road 302 near Shiner, about 127 miles west of Houston, said Lavaca County Sheriff Micah Harmon.

Now, since this happened in Texas, I'm guessing things are going to be a little different for this father than the guy in MA who beat up his son's molester. Something tells me that he won't be charged - because, really, what prosecutor wants to go before a jury in Texas to jail a man who caught someone touching his four year old daughter inappropriately and took action to stop his assault? I'm guessing the Texas Attorney General isn't going to grant an interview where we are sniffed at and told that Texas discourages self-help.

Snarky potshots at Massachusetts aside, I can honestly say that I can't fault this guy one whit. I'd wager that he didn't consciously decide to bash the dude's skull in - I'd guess that it was an instinct to protect his child, and if the creature causing his child pain happened to perish in the process, well, it means his child was no longer in pain, right? Every father's greatest fear is that evil may befall his children. Our job is to protect our kids at all costs; whether that means dying for them - or killing for them - we keep them safe.

Something like that, though... It's primal. No man wants to think of Daddy's little girl behaving in a sexual manner. Add to that the raw unadulterated rage of someone forcing themselves on your progeny, and the add in the tender age of the girl? That perp is lucky that he died quickly. Being staked to an ant hill - or just outright disemboweled and hung with one's own entrails - is certainly more painful.

I liked agg79's comment when he sent this to me:
This dad's response made me think of you, man.

Yep. If, G-d forbid, someone were to ever try something like this on my daughter, I guarantee you would be reading a similar headline. Although I suspect the headline would read more "man turned into reddish/brown smear by partially shaven gorilla" or somesuch. Again, I will remind folks that when my son was baptized, the priest got overly enthusiastic with the holy water and my son started screaming - and my mom took one look at me and her eyes went wide. Apparently I started to go into "OOG SMASH" mode - and I think you go straight to hell if you punch a priest...

I can understand - and fully condone - a course of action that involves violence to the point of death to someone attempting to harm your kids.

That is all.


Steve in TN said...

It's an argument for bringing back Texas' old "he needed killin" defense to homicide.

Anonymous said...

If you go to the link they "mistakenly" (leftie wink wink) refer to the d.b.g. as the "victim". Killed for diddlin' should get you the label of goblin, zombie, scumbag, you get my drift. Reddish brown smear, even.

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

According to the Sheriff, it's probably going to be up to a grand jury. Any bets on whether the prosecutor pushes for an indictment, or just uses the GJ to cover himself for not bringing charges?

Heck, I know a good prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, but I wouldn't bet on Jack McCoy himself getting an indictment on this case out of a Texas grand jury!

Anonymous said...

Let's see . . . Dad catches dude in the act, beats him, then is remorseful and apologetic when the High Sheriff tells him that the dude is now deceased. I think the GJ will find it justified self defense/ defense of person in jeopardy, and that'll be that.

Would YOU wanna be the DA who tries to prosecute the Dad? Especially when the Sunday School moms surround you in front of church on Sunday, little kids in tow, and want to know why you are prosecuting? Nah, me either.


Erin Palette said...

I'm sure I could find a dissenting opinion if I searched, but for the most part even the liberal lefties are saying "it was justifiable."

This is excellent for two reasons:
1) No guns were used in this incident, so it runs counter to the typical libtard "If only we outlawed guns all violent crime would go away."
2) The man beat the molester to death with his bare hands, which just further proves that you don't need a weapon to kill someone.

This is precedent, folks.

Anonymous said...

I had an affair with a minister's wife.....where am I going??

Armed Texan said...

The "journalist" who wrote that article makes me sick. So the goblin is only alleged to have assaulted the girl and is a victim, but nowhere does s/he/it apply the same cautious language to the father and daughter.

Michael W. said...

Heck, I feel that way about ALL kids. If it was kinfolk, well it would be even worse (for the animal messing around with the kid)

I don't think that there can be punishment harsh enough for someone that would hurt a kid.

Jay G said...

Oh, I suspect I could come up with a few...


David said...

Quote from the instructor at my concealed carry class when asked how many shots should you fire when your life is threatened: "You keep shooting until there is no longer a threat in your sight picture."

I called and asked him about this article and asked how many times should you hit the guy you catch molesting your child?

He responded (unofficially) "You keep swinging until he stops twitching."

Anonymous said...

Jay, might that include " millstone tied around the neck and cast into the sea..." maybe? anyone? Bueller?

Donald said...

Shouldn't this go on the Dead Goblin Count? I consider it a dead goblin. Bonus points for not having to use a gun to do the deed.

Jay G said...

The Dead Goblin Count is maintained for goblins dispatched via firearms. It is intended to counter the antis claim that firearms are not used for defensive purposes...

Anonymous said...

Regarding the baptism:
God would say, "Good job. That priest was a jerk." Something about better off drowning than messing with God's little ones in the good book. Priest screwed up and he knew better.

In my opinion He didn't give you righteous anger for giggles. Or common sense and decency for the rest of us to be stupid about such things.

Archangel might have been using those fists too. Don't we all pray for guidance?

Jesse in South Texas.

TheMinuteman said...

I often quote a list of rules for dealing with men. The first of which is the simplest and most important:

"Never fuck with a man's family."

Period, no exceptions, no excuses. If you do decide to go full retard, do not be surprised by the results.

Ed said...

Send a copy of this to George Zimmerman's Special Prosecutor, to remind her that punches to the head can kill you and must be considered as having the potential for great bodily harm or death.

Florida Statute 776.013(3): "A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another..."

Can a 17 year old Florida high school varsity player hit you in the head with great force sufficient to cause great bodily harm or death? Yes.

Ken O said...

Believe it or not, here in Corpus, just 130 miles from the incident, some brainless liberal us calling for the dad's head on the grounds that there is never any excuse for violence, therefore this must be murder. Fortunately, the most rabid and green liberals are members of VHEMT; they can't screw up any kids and their inferior genes perish.

David said...

No reddish/brown smear here.

If I ever walk in and find someone molesting ANY child the report will hopefully include the words "there was a fine red mist in the air."

TOTWTYTR said...

I think Texas law requires that the case be presented to a Grand Jury. Which will pretty quickly "no bill" the case and the man will be free to go.