Monday, June 18, 2012

I Know That Guy!

Scott sends in a story about happenings in Detroit featuring someone I know and am proud to call friend (they got his name wrong, though...):

Gun Protest Rallies More Gun Rights Advocates
SOUTHFIELD (WWJ) – A gun protest outside a Southfield gun store had more gun rights advocates show up than protestors.
It was one of several such rallies that took place around the country Saturday; all backed by the Reverend Jesse Jackson.
And who is the celebrity? Why, none other than Rick Ector! (Note to CBS Detroit: layers of oversight on the name, baby). Listen to what passes for "logic" from the anti-gun side:
“We are seeing violence go up, we are seeing CCW’s go up. So that means there is armament going on in our society, and so on one side you’ve got legal gun owners on the other side you’ve got illegal gun owners and ultimately that’s leads to potentially to confrontation,” said Bullock. “Confrontation leads to violence.”
Got that? Crime is up, and it's the fault of those with CCW permits that there's violence. Which, naturally, means that the gun store is at fault. Again, this is like saying, hey, drunk driving crashes are getting more common. Let's go picket Smith Chevrolet!

Thanks for fighting the good fight Rick!

That is all.


MeatAxe said...

Point of order, Mr. Chairman: Crime is not up.

Erin Palette said...

layers of oversight

Snerk! I see what you did there. ;)

detroitccw said...

Thanks, Jay!

detroitccw said...

@MeatAxe: While crime is down nationally, it is significantly up in the city of Detroit. Shootings and justified homicides are also way up in Motown. It is what it is. I am glad that law-abiding citizens have the ability to carry arm - open or concealed with a permit.

Jay G said...

And these mushheads would rather that the law abiding citizens NOT defend themselves and simply submit to the demands of criminals.

Apparently rewarding criminals with easy, compliant targets is magically going to make crime go away.

Actually, given what they're doing to Detroit, that's not too far off the mark - eventually the criminals will scare everyone away, and then there will be no crime! Detroit will become a crime-free paradise. You know, like Siberia...

Atom Smasher said...

I do not miss Michigan.

Skip said...

Spent two weeks there one night.

Home on the Range said...

Excellent Rick! Keep up the good fight.

Old NFO said...

Rick is doing yeoman's work in a really bad situation. More power to him, and God Bless him for his willingness to do the right thing!

Ed said...

Located less than 60 miles west of Detroit and fifteen miles northwest of Ann Arbor is Hell, Michigan. I do not know what the road to there is paved with, but I do know that they experience cold days in winter where it does freeze over.,_Michigan