Monday, June 25, 2012

Not Sure If Serious...

Skidmark sends along this excellent snarky take down of one of the dumbest op-eds I've seen so far on Fast & Furious:

Don’t Be Paranoid. We’re Out to Get You
That will reassure Second Amendment enthusiasts who suspect the otherwise indefensible Fast & Furious fiasco was really an effort to lay the groundwork for a … ban on the sale of weapons (by confirming the Mexicans’ complaints about the origin of guns involved in Mexican drug violence). …
Really, that's about the best summation possible of that ridiculous op-ed. The op-ed glosses over the glaring missteps, obfuscations, and stonewalling of the current administration, grossly overstates the Bush administration's efforts (sure, they did a crappy job of trying to track the weapons, but at least they were trying to track, unlike F&F), and boils it down to "well, we should ban assault weapons".

Yes. Because banning semi-automatic rifles in the United States is going to solve the Mexican drug problem. And giant talking broccoli stalks will mow your lawn for free. Look, here's the deal. Most of the weapons the Mexican drug gangs are using are fully automatic rifles either bought outright from the Mexican army (who, BTW, purchase them from the US, which is why they can be "traced" back here) or smuggled in from South America (yes, the United States is not the only country in the world that produces guns).

What's interesting about this op-ed is that there is absolutely no reflection on why the Obama administration would recycle a failed Bush administration operation. Oh, and do it a lot larger, with less oversight. While the author does acknowledge that F&F was wrong, he's not intellectually curious enough to ask why on earth it was revived. Bush tried it, it failed miserably, so why on earth would Obama want to bring it back and do it worse?

Oh, and then stonewall the investigation for months on end...

But yeah, Issa should focus on banning guns in the US. Yeah, that's not at all what folks have been saying that F&F was all about or anything. It's not like Obama's veiled comment about gun control efforts being "under the radar" - which was made while Fast & Furious was ongoing - might have hinted that he knew about the operation or anything. Given that the administration and the media (but I repeat myself) were falling over themselves talking about how guns from the US were being used in Mexican killings - and calling for gun control to stop the problem - it's more than a little disconcerting to hear that the US government was providing those guns.

But yeah, just ban those guns rather than investigate this situation...

That is all.


Tommy. said...

Why would they bring back a failed program and do it worse?
Maybe they were watching a bunch of Todd Jarrett videos. 20% harder, man, 20% harder.

Roger said...

I'm waiting for the govt. of Mexico to demand the extradition of E. Holder to stand trial in Mexico for being an accomplice to the murder of over 200 Mexican citizens.
Even if (when) the Obungler pardons Holder for his crimes in the US, that's not going to help him in Mexico.
Maybe we'll be lucky & a Mexican team will do a "rendition".

Andrew said...

Don't forget that the author -- Eugene Robinson -- is the towering intellect that claimed that folks were eating each other in the Superdome after Katrina.

Dave H said...

Maybe we'll be lucky & a Mexican team will do a "rendition".

Heh. I think I see much stricter enforcement of immigration laws in our future.