I'll have my review of the KRISS up in the next week or so. It's a very nice firearm, it just didn't trip my trigger the same way it tripped Robb's. But I'll save that for the review...
- Get out my shocked face! SHOCK: Sharpton Blames Holder Contempt Charge On Racism
- How can I parody something this stupid? EPA blasted for requiring oil refiners to add type of fuel that's merely hypothetical
- Some interesting news on an often-confusing conundrum: 5.56 vs .223 – What You Know May Be Wrong
- Better late than never: MBtGE has a new can!
Go take a read - Our favorite author takes the Washington Post - specifically Dana Milbank - out behind the woodshed and gives them whatfor. He's also got a really good rundown of the Fast & Furious scandal, and the comments are chock-full of additional information such as Operation Wide Receiver, which is the Bush-era program Holder is trying to blame F&F on. There's a few little problems with this, such as the Bush program informed the Mexican government, only lost two firearms, and stopped the program when it was revealed to be flawed and basically useless...
Okay, that's about it for now - now go enjoy the weekend!
That is all.
Wasn't Black Beauty the nickname that George Scott gave to his bat?
Wow: The best 5.56 vs. .223 explanation I've seen.
The EPA ethanol debate has been in discussion around my galley table for a while. Oil transfer dock workers who receive share options as part of their compensation are surprisingly well-informed!
The idea the EPA had was to force people to use sugarcane waste to make ethanol, rather than using edible corn, which makes sense. However, no one has offered to subsidize the cane growers, who like to burn their waste cane bits as fertilizer for next years' crop. So the EPA is also playing Lucky Pierre because their surprisingly cogent plan to reduce dependance on corn for ETOH is based on the palatability of offering people $, but so long as Uncle Sugar doesn't offer the cane growers enough $ to buy fertilizer to make up for losing their burnt cane waste, they're going to want to keep their cane waste.
One of those things... the EPA can and does recruit the unexceptional and the unmotivated among conservation and environmental science students, and thus they try to reinvent the wheel without hiring anyone to tell them what a wheel looks like.
Good explanation on .223/5.56 Worth the time to read! Thanks!!!
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