Politician Pulls Gun On Man During TV Show
Go watch the video (it starts automatically, so be warned). At 0:27 you can see the dude on the right reach into his waistband and come out with what looks to be a stainless revolver (model 60?). He doesn't point it at the other guy or anything, but it's pretty amazing to see someone just whip out a pistol at a political debate.A Jordanian member of parliament flipped out during a row on TV - and pulled a gun on his debating opponent.MP Mohammad Shawabka was debating with political activist Mansour Sayf al Din Murad on the private satellite channel Jo Sat, discussing Jordanian politics.
I shudder to think of the kind of ordnance that Joe Biden would show up with...
That is all.
I thought he was going for an ankle rig when he did the shoe-throw.
King Classy right there!
He obviously was losing the debate!
"Excuse me Gentlemen. Vice-President Biden, do you have any idea what that Drone in the sky is doing circling over the Debate Venue?"
Joe Biden? Really?
He'd pull out a slingshot. Then he'd aim and miss.
Had he not ridden President Obama's coattails, there would be little reason to take this man seriously... about anything.
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