(caution: Picture is large)
And yes, I have mowed my lawn since this picture was taken...
Taken with my Nikon D3100 digital SLR with telephoto lens. I did have to (very quietly) get out onto the back deck in order to get the shot - the screens in the windows were diffusing the light and making it blurry. Distance on this shot was approximately 25 yards.
And if nothing else, it's good to know I've got a food source if TSHTF...
That is all.
'E's got a mean streak a mile wide!
Brother Maynard, bring forth the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!
Sharp pointy teeth!
Also, I'd bet heavily on spmeone from your area missing a pet rabbit, that aint no cotton tail. ( looks rex ish)
Got about a half-dozen in my backyard. They're practically tame.
They've gotten lazy since they realized the dog has gotten too old to make more than a token effort.
It looks just like the wild bunnies in my back yard. Can't swear the originals weren't somoene's pet, but they're wild now. Apollo thinks they taste yummy....
The bunnies are thick this year in my neck. heard the Coyotes in the neighborhood the other night...probably missed their more recent serenades because we've been sleeping with the AC on and the windows closed.
It was hawks the last time they got thick.
Keep your eyes peeled!
Great pic; perfect size for desktop background.
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