Friday, July 13, 2012

First World Problems, USA-Style...

Hmmm. What to do tonight? Should I go to my gun club's indoor range (which I will undoubtedly have to myself), or stop by the local package store (hence, the "packie" we so often discuss) and pick up some frosty malt beverages to consume while sitting on the back deck?

There's an appropriate quote for this:
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it."
Ooh, I know! I'll go to the range, and stop at the packie on the way home!

That is all.


Borepatch said...

Where's the "Like" button?

Anonymous said...

It's a requirement, Jay. Nothing clears the burnt powder out of the back of my throat like a nice frosty ale....or three.

John Bernard Books

Dave H said...

Two of my favorite quotable people: Jeff Cooper and Ferris Bueller.

After all the time I spent looking for places to shoot, I'm astonished at how unused the facilities are around here. The in-city club I joined so I could shoot at lunchtime has never had anyone else in the indoor pistol range when I've been there.

Unfortunately a trip to the carry-out isn't appropriate when I'm going back to work. Something about a drug-free / alcohol-free workplace. I keep telling HR that free drugs and alcohol would do more to boost morale than a monthly newsletter, but they never listen to me.

Old NFO said...

AFTER the shooting... AFTER :-)

Jay G said...

My shooting's bad enough sober...

Mopar said...

And THIS, boys and girls, is why I joined a private shooting club that also has a bar.

Dave H said...

My shooting's bad enough sober...

An Appleseed can help with that. (The shooting part. The sobriety is yours to deal with.)

Here's their schedule. There's one this weekend in Leyden MA and next month in Harvard.

Cormac said...

Why not grab a bottle of Basil Hayden while you're there?

Roger said...

A choice wisely made. First ventilate the targets and vent your frustrations. Then sooth your troubled soul with the fruit of the brewmasters labors.
Well done sir, well done.