Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's All About Perspective...


Weapon and tool.

Isn't that funny, that the plebeian kitchen knife is larger (and in this case, sharper), than the oh-so-scary (and illegal to carry in many localities) bowie knife? One is viewed as a weapon; the other a simple tool of the chef. One causes uncontrollable PSH and calls for regulation, laws, and bans; the other causes folks to place their sushi order.

Both can stab, both can slash, both are more than capable of causing deadly wounds. Yet only one is cause for concern - when was the last time a news report of a domestic incident reported, in hushed tones,  that a chef's knife was found in the residence? Yet the "weapon" in this post has been owned for more than 20 years and never harmed a single person - yet kitchen knives wound and kill people every single day.

Why, it's almost like the tool is irrelevant, isn't it?

That is all.


libertyman said...

Yes, but what if your knife had a double edge? Shudder! Or if it were a Dirk! Oh my!

Now those are WAY different than your kitchen knife!! I mean, that's why they are illegal in Massachusetts, right?

Good grief, my old dive knife (one of them) was a Tekna, with the dreaded double edge, but the fellow at the dive shop in Massachusetts explained "it's considered a tool" -- probably wishful thinking and no shred of a legal basis, but yeah, they all are.

mikee said...

I have read that burglars frequently go first to the kitchen and arm themselves with a good long knife, in case they have any problems with occupants. The weapon can be returned to the kitchen where it magically becomes a tool again if they don't need it.

Weer'd Beard said...

Cutco? You know they make reasonably priced Henkles knives, right?

Garbage steel in thems things, and the company is a glorified Ponsi scheme....

Caleb said...

I bet that more people are killed with kitchen knives than bowie knives each year.

Michael W. said...

Well, I guess you COULD call that a Bowie knife...........

Roadkill said...

Weapon? Clip points are an excellent all-around style of knife. They are often found as military issue because of the cutting curve and the highly penetrative clipped point. But for the same reasons, they are much beloved for dressing game animals and most hunting and camping tasks save batoning wood. Which is also why another reason they're military issue! Nope, I see two tools. Either one can be pressed into service as weapons most readily.