Monday, December 10, 2007

'Tis the Season...

...for getting your ass kicked...

Taking today off (burning vacation time before the end of the year - I ain't losin' vacation time!) to finish up my Christmas shopping. Gotta be jolly, gonna face the crowds at the malls (ugh...)

(And yes, I said "Christmas". It's not "holiday shopping", nor do I have a "holiday tree". It's called "Christmas", and we have a Christmas tree. If you don't like it, I hope Santa shits down your chimney...)

Here's what the Peanut Gallery has to say about those brittle people offended by the thought of "Christmas":

Merry Christmas everyone!


breda said...

gosh, they're cute. Silly faces and all.

Strings said...

I foresee that picture being used to great advantage when they start dating...