Thursday, March 13, 2008

Do They Speak English in What?

Watching the news this morning, I came across a story that had me wondering if I had left the Planet Earth:

Students face caps in city housing

The Boston Zoning Commission set a limit of four yesterday on the number of college students who can live together off campus, a far-reaching decision that could spur a citywide crackdown on crowded student housing.

This is a little odd on its own, but wait until you hear their reasoning:
But proponents - an unusual coalition of neighborhood groups, college officials, and city leaders - said the new occupancy limit will reduce the number of rowdy late-night parties on otherwise quiet residential streets.


Are these people so fucking far removed from reality that they actually believe there's a correlation between the number of apartment residents who happen to be college students and the attendees of a keg party? Are these people morons or bug-eyed aliens from the Planet Weembo?

You could reduce the permitted number of college student occupants to ONE and still have rowdy parties. How about if they just enforce the standard noise ordinances?

Gah. Stupidity should hurt.

That is all.

1 comment:

Weer'd Beard said...

But Jay! The answer to problems arising from uninforced laws is to create more laws.

The neat thing about this is the cops can bankrupt a private citizen for non-compliance and never have to venture out of the cruiser after dark!