Thursday, March 13, 2008

Help A Blogger Out

Actually, it's "help a blogger send her daughter to Europe".

(a)musings has a plea for help. In a nutshell, her daughter's going on a trip to Britain and Germany, and things have been tighter than expected.

So if you've got a couple spare ducats, help a very nice person get rid of one of her kids give her daughter the trip of a lifetime. (Sorry for the feeble attempt at humor; sometimes I just can't help myself...) *g*

And as an added incentive, I'll share an odd random fact about myself here: I've never been more than one time zone from my home (EST) in my life...


Christine G. said...

Thank you Jay,

and let me just add that I never EVER EVER would ask if we were'nt in hell. We just got a letter from the IRS. my husband messed up last year's taxes and we owe an additional 300 bucks. He let his professional license lapse (SLP-CCC) and so we had to pay 200 something for that and a 150 late fee. Thank you state of massachusetts and federal government. That kind of money makes the difference in these trips for her.

If you don't read my blog -- Jess is going to London and Stratford in April where she will be performing with Rebel Shakespeare Company at Shakeyboy's 444th anniversary festivus. and in June she's gone for a month on a German exchange program. In september, we hosted the girl she's staying with... and this would suck if she couldn't go after we'd planned this for almost a year.

my wallet has been sucked dry by bureaucracy and my admited own poor planning.

if you don't or can't give -- just pray for us that we don't have to disappoint her. it would be the suck.

thanks all.

and jay -- your blog is kind of the online equivalent of "The Colbert Bump."

Jay G said...

"and jay -- your blog is kind of the online equivalent of "The Colbert Bump.""

I hope that's a good thing... ;)

Christine G. said...

i hope you know what the colbert bump is!

and it is a good thing. or, it should be.