Friday, June 13, 2008

Quick Question...

Didn't we just have an Incredible Hulk movie out? Why is there a new one?

Is the Hulk going to be the new King Kong, where everybody and their brother has to have a shot at remaking the movie???

I mean, I know Hollywood's been having trouble coming up with original ideas (Coming in July: The Urkel Movie!), but this is pathetic...

That is all.


Justin Buist said...

Didn't we just have an Incredible Hulk movie out?

Nope. That was a pile of shit smeared onto film, transferred to DVD, then boxed up with an 'Incredible Hulk' label on it.

Whatever studio tried passing that off as a 'movie' should be tried for fraud.

Anonymous said...

Don't mince words . . . tell us how you REALLY FEEL about the topic.

- Brad

Anonymous said...

the last one was a butchery made by Universal... this one is supposedly an accurate one made by Marvel... i dont know for sure if its any good, but ill be seeing it this weekend to tell ya how good it is...

Bruce said...

Yeah, that first Hulk remake, uh...what's the word I'm looking for?

Oh yeah.

Sucked moose cock.

Bob Hawkins said...

"I know Hollywood's been having trouble coming up with original ideas"

So they take unoriginal ideas that they don't bother to understand. (Would that describe the other "Hulk" movie?)

I was interested in the "Get Smart" movie until I saw the HBO "First Look."

They stole the plot from "Johnny English." Dudes, you stole a plot from Rowan Atkinson. I guess basing a movie on a TV show wasn't unoriginal enough.

The movie discards the basic jokes underlying the characters of Smart and Agent 99.

The original Smart's incompetence is so invincible that thorough training and experience has no effect on it, and it has no explanation, being an axiom of the universe. The movie makes him an analyst pressed into service as a field agent.

The original Agent 99 is invincibly infatuated with Smart for no humanly knowable reason; it's another axiom of the universe. The movie shows her as initially skeptical, but won over by seeing Smart in action. (Need I point out that the idiocy of Smart in action IS THE WHOLE PREMISE OF "GET SMART"?)

In brief, it's the secret agent version of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget what Marvel studios is up to here - they are developing a franchise through interlinked story lines, with Iron Man being recruited by the Avengers and Tony
Stark getting the General to see that he needs help with the Hulk, in teasers at the ends of the last two movies.

This semi-serialization of the storylines will work, and here is how I know why. At the end of Iron Man, the teaser was AFTER the credits, and only the cognoscenti knew about it at first. At the end of Incredible Hulk (which I saw at a midnight screening Thursday with my son - neener neener yes I am a nerd) most of the audience watched the teaser, which ran as the last scene of the movie, then stayed and sat through about 10 minutes of credits to see if there was another teaser at the end of the credits, like in Iron Man, and BOO'ed when there wasn't.

The intricate (sometimes nonsensical) plots of the comic book world are varied and intertwined. The Marvel model for making movies of then will work. Just take a look at the Marvel stock, up from $23 to $36 in less than a year!

And with a few minor quibbles, the new movie was quite good.

Anonymous said...

Jay, they're going to keep on doing it until they get it right. Sort of like Batman.

Brace yourself for 4 or 5 more of these obscenities.

Anonymous said...

You mean hollywood is still shooting film? Been so long since I wasted my money at a a theater I thought they were out of business. Any movies I want to see I purchase the DVD in China for ~$2.00 secure in the knowledge that none of that money will be going back to California.

Off the top of my head I can name a dozen authors with books that would make excellent movie. Of course these authors don't glorify murderous communist dictators or the wonders of socialism, so I doubt if we will ever see any of their books made into films. emdfl