Friday, June 13, 2008

They Say It's Your Birthday...

Alternate title: Daddy's Little Princess turns 5...

Yep. Today my younger child, my only daughter, turns 5. On Friday the 13th. She was born on Friday the 13th as well.

Five years ago I learned what it was like to have a little girl. I had a little more than two years' experience as the father of a little boy, and now I had a little girl as well. Five years into this and I'm still amazed at just how friggin' sharp this girl is, watching her pace her older brother in reading, writing, and other pursuits. And he's no slouch, either...

In a little over two months she'll start Kindergarten. Both kids off to school full time. Both kids getting on the big yellow school bus in the morning. No more day care. Woo Hoo!

And yet... It feels like merely a week ago that I was sitting in the hospital room with my wife and newborn daughter... In what's certain to feel like another week or so she'll be grown up, bringing boys home and everything. Which, of course, gives me a reason to post this again:


Love you sweetie.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I see you have a firm grasp on the concept of The Three S's.

Now if only I could convince my better half of the same . . .

- Brad

RW said...

Squeeze her tight, buddy. Mine's now 10 and a half & is on her way to bring daddy something to eat as I type this (she was supposed to get braces today, but the doc said we should wait 10 more weeks) and I still miss all those little things like her cuddling up against me as we took a nap, running to my arms whenever she was frightened by a storm and saying "my Daddy" when asked who her favorite 'boy' was. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving this part - getting to introduce her to Jimmy Stewart movies, watching episodes of "Monk" with her & trying to see who guesses the culprit first, showing her all the cool stuff that can be done on a computer (which she can then show to her friends & let her play the role of computer-guru), but I still miss those days.

Next thing you know, you'll be getting a call on your cell phone & her name will be the one that shows up.

Sigh. Savor every moment. I sure don't want mine to end.

Gee, guess who I'll be asking to sleep with me tonight? :)

SpeakerTweaker said...

Congrats, dude! The Little Girl turned 5 here in January. Somethin else, ain't it?

Love her up, man. While you got the chance.


breda said...

happy birthday, LittleG! You're a lucky girl to have such a great dad!