Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Helpful Hint...

To the ladies out there... If you're going to reject your husband's amorous advances by telling him you're "too tired", don't spend the next 25 minutes detailing your entire day in play-by-play mode.

And if you do, don't act all surprised when your husband: A) Doesn't display rapt attention the entire 25 minutes; and B) Might not be buying the "too tired" argument.

That is all.


RW said...

A woman telling you how her morning & afternoon went is to a female what sex & an orgasm is to a male: what they spend the entire day waiting for.

Ladies, don't even try to tell me I'm wrong (after you call your best friend & discuss for half an hour why you're right & I'm wrong).

Lindsey said...

Funny I heard that from my husband last night AND this morning. Good thing is men have very little control over their anatomy so I don't actually need him to be awake ;) Not bad after almost 7 years of marriage.

Jay G said...

I think I'm gonna cry...