Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Riddle Me This...

Okay. Help me out here, folks. I'm trying to understand something here... Now, I've been trying to avoid talking about the mortgage industry bailout, as I've been off my blood pressure meds for a while now and really don't want to go back on. My sentiments mirror those of my esteemed colleague to my north, suffice to say.

Well, as everyone has heard, the House killed the bill yesterday. It wasn't dead more than oh, five seconds, before the fingers started pointing and accusations started flying. According to Barney Frank, it was because Republicans got their feelings hurt. Really, Barney? Then answer this: What about the 95 Democrats who voted against the bailout (three of which were from your own state)?

Were their feelings hurt? Was that partisan politics? Face it, pal, the American people don't want Congress tossing our money down the Fannie Mae hole (only for it to wind up in Barack Obama's campaign war chest. Second place and Barry's only been a Senator since 2005. Nice.) The bailout plan lost by 23 votes. 23. 95 Democrats voted "nay". Had merely a quarter been swayed by your Botox Queen Pelosi, the bailout would have passed.

The GOP finally remembered it was supposed to be the party of (slightly) smaller government. After 7 years of spending like it was going out of style, they finally woke up from their big government bender and started to make amends. Too little, too late, in my book; but it beats a kick in the ass with a frozen boot, as a co-worker from Maine likes to say.

I'm just curious where they found the spine...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

You know, they're pointing to Pelosi's speech as the whole "Hurt the Rethuglican's Feelings" thing.

Clearly, she didn't have the votes. Otherwise, why make a speech? She was trying to sway her own party.

Happy to see phone calls, emails, and perhaps veiled threats make those little gummit roaches scatter away from the light. Heh.

RW said...

Not even a quarter. If 12 Democrats change their votes, it passes.

Look, this isn't ideological....Obama is an impressive candidate & Biden is someone who'd be great to have a beer with, but Nancy Pelosi is a freaking moron. A. Moron. She is an embarrassment. While MSNBC & Saturday Night Live are trying to Quayle-ize Sarah Palin in hopes of electing their boy (politics trumps comedy, after all) we have the biggest idiot in DC running the house of representatives.

Number of times the public has heard that the speaker of the house wants taxpayers to finance needle exchanges for intravenous drug users: zero.

Number of times she's been given glowing press stories: I've lost count.

Good lord, what an embarrassment.

Unknown said...

Ironically, I think this is the first non-partisan vote in the past 8 yrs.

I mean finally, the division on a vote was NOT down party lines.


This is HISTORICAL!!!!

Anonymous said...

This whole deal STINKS. It was caused when Gubmint started messing with the free market, requiring banks to offer loans to folks who counld not likely repay them. They messed it up, and now more messing aound with it will fix it?

Doing nothing will be painfull, but I think it will eventually sort itself out. Continuing to mess with it will mark the end of a free country.

Those who would trade their Liberty for security (and a .gov provided house) deserve neither.