Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Forgive Me...

How on earth have I managed to go on this long without having the Fabulous PhlegmFatale on my blogroll?

Minions? SRSLY? This is a pretty serious oversight.

Anyhoo, Phlegm, as promised last night on drunken chat @ Gun Nuts, welcome aboard...

(And thanks for listening to me cry in my beer, BTW...)

That is all.


Old NFO said...

heh- that WAS pretty interesting... I couldn't keep up, but I was drinking Scotch and I did have to go to work this morning.

phlegmfatale said...

Aw, shucks! Thanks for the add!

Thanks for an opportunity for me to unwisely open a second bottle. Amazingly, i was not that hung over today. Drunk chat and call-in???

I forgive myself.

Jay G said...

Hey old nfo!

You've got me linked at your place - thanks! I'm trying to do a round-up post in the near future (I've seen a couple other new blogs recently that have me linked and try to keep up!).

Not only did I have to work this morning, but I still hit the gym at 5:10 AM...

Sprechen zie ouchie?


No problem at all; like I said, my apologies for not doing it sooner.

As for drunk chat and call-in, well, hell, I plead guilty too... ;)

I listened earlier tonight. I sound like a goober. A drunk goober... :)