Wednesday, November 5, 2008

On The Bright Side...

...well, there's not a lot of bright side to the news today, but I'm going to try to find it.

Let's see...
  • First off, here's hoping the election of Barack Obama to the highest political office in the land finally shuts Je$$e Jack$on, Al $harpton, and the rest of the professional race baiters the hell up. Kinda hard to paint the USA as one big ol' racist nation when they just elected the first black president - by a large margin.

  • Secondly, we're off defense and can now go on offense. The Democrats have all three branches of government come January. Anything that happens, anything at all, is solely their responsibility. Any bad news out of Iraq (since we're supposed to be leaving post haste), any economic woes, high gas prices, anything; that's all squarely in the lap of President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Majority Leader Reid.

  • Third, and perhaps the most pollyanna-ish, it behooves the GOP to take a good long look at what worked (nothing) and what didn't work (running an old tired geezer who was previously most known for pissing off his own party) and start planning for 2012. Now, the GOP isn't called "The Stupid Party" for no reason, and it wouldn't surprise me to see them running as hard as they can to the left at this point - it's our sworn duty to turn 'em around and send them the other way. It's time to remind them that they lost not because they weren't liberal enough, but because they weren't conservative enough.

  • At least there's no endless legal battle over hanging chads; no cries of "stolen election" to be heard. While there's a good body of evidence that some groups working on the left side may have bent or even broken some rules, please note that the right isn't yelling and screaming about "pResident" or "stolen" elections.

  • Lastly, on a personal level, I'm finally breaking down and getting an evil black rifle or two in the next couple of months. Before they're banned, that is. We've elected the most virulently anti-gun President ever, and the next 4-8 years are really going to suck for those of us who support the Second Amendment. So I'm getting mine now while the getting is good, and I'm going to learn how to reload as well.

I'm surprisingly upbeat this morning (and no, I'm not hungover...). I think the GOP may very well have hit rock-bottom, and while it wouldn't surprise me to see them start digging, I hope that we can all start working to rebuild the GOP into a conservative party that will field a true conservative candidate in 2012.

Lastly, I want to thank all of my fellow bloggers who gave their time, energy, and money towards our Quixotic quest to keep the Presidency out of socialist hands. I know that Bruce worked his ass off in NH, Breda did yeoman's work in OH, Sebastian (who I also need to add to the blogroll, mental note...) was working PA, and many others I'm forgetting (and for that I humbly apologize). I will make a solemn promise to do more to help out in the coming elections, doubtful in MA (lost cause) but certainly on the national stage and perhaps working to bring NH back to red.

It's not the end of America, folks. The Shining City on a Hill that Ronaldus Maximus extolled is still there; still a shining beacon of hope the world over. One petty socialist won't signal the end; millions of Americans packing it all in will. Let's not let that happen. Keep the faith. Believe.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I concur. We have to rebuild the Republican party from the ground up. We need more people like Newt, and less people like John McCain.

Steven C. said...

Concerning point number two, I disagree. There will *always* be a stated reason why it was a remnant from the Bush era, or the problem was deeper than previously expected, or... or... or... and it is *not the democrats fault!!!!*

knitalot3 said...

Well hopefully we will all get the pretty butterflies, flowers, free health care, and other lovelies we were promised.

Actually, I'd just be happy if our soon-to-be president would wear his flag pin, solute the flag, and show a bit of patriotism.

Good luck to us all.

Andrew said...

My bright side is a FAL and a Fifty.

Anonymous said...

No, we do NOT need more people like Newt. Newt's mistakes were largely responsible for ending the 1994 Republican Revolution almost before it began. His many failures, both personal and professional, became weapons for the enemy to use against him.

What we need is conservatives who practice what they preach. No more politics as usual. No more going along to get along. No more playing the game by liberals' rules. No more saying one thing and doing another. And most important of all, NO MORE BACKING DOWN WHEN WE'RE RIGHT!

BobG said...

1. They will not shut up; they will be playing the race card same as usual. And idiots will still believe them.
2. Anything that goes wrong in the next four years will be blamed on Bush and the Republican Party.
3. The Republican Party is going nowhere until it quits pushing religion and morals and worrying about gay marriage.
4. Instead of worrying about the election, the Democratic Party has assumed that the whole country wants them to run the country with a socialistic mandate.
5. I expect them to start making it more difficult not only to acquire firearms and ammunition, but also to keep them once you do. The hoplophobes will fight a war of attrition.

Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Bob, I'd beg to differ, but I don't beg..... so I'll differ:

"The Republican Party is going nowhere until it quits pushing religion and morals and worrying about gay marriage."

The "gay marriage" thing is the only issue that succeded across the board for Republicans Tuesday (in Arizona, Florida, and California of all places!). Conservative with the capital C is what brings Republicans to the polls. We did not nominate a Conservative. We got Bob Dole II, an old fart nice-guy moderate..... it is hard to get excited about the lesser of two evils.... a lot of Conservatives decided not to make a choaice, and stayed the hell home.

DJK said...

Jindall 2012?

DJK said...

Jimbob....I totally agree. Get over the gays... They're not going anywhere. Free is Free and that means they're free too.

DJK said...


"What we need is conservatives who practice what they preach. No more politics as usual. No more going along to get along. No more playing the game by liberals' rules. No more saying one thing and doing another. And most important of all, NO MORE BACKING DOWN WHEN WE'RE RIGHT!"

Exactly. The GOP needs to grow their balls back.

Old NFO said...

Item 2- They will blame the Republicans forever! dammit... And the Republicans need to grow some nads and QUIT BACKING OFF! Also, it wouldn't hurt to run somebody in their 40's instead of 70's!

Re guns- 1911- check, 870- check, M4- check Browning HP- Check, M-24- check; Ammo for all- check, check, check... Bring em on!