Sunday, June 14, 2009


One word. Four letters. But it means many things to many people. For some, it's little more than an address, a place that can change on a whim for any reason. For others, it's a family homestead handed down through generations. For us, it's our messy little slice of land in the Volksrepublik of MA.

But it sure feels good waking up in your own bed, no matter how great your vacation may have been...

Made it home safe and sound last night; the plane ride was a little turbulent, but I had an excellent distraction from the bumps and jounces: "Monster Hunter International" by Larry Correira. It's a kind loan from my good friend Heath (he of the infamous fu-stache) for my trip, and it's been hard to put down. I started reading it yesterday evening on the flight home, and am already more than halfway through already (expect a full review later this week...)

There's something magical about coming home after an extended time away. There's the pleasant rush of the familiar; the contentedness of being in a place you know inside and out; of feeling like you belong there. No matter how great a vacation might be, you're still in an unfamiliar setting in a place you don't know - you're definitely not home. As much fun as it is to be someplace new and exotic, there's a lot to be said for the place you call home.

The best trip in the world doesn't compare to the feeling of being somewhere you belong...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a safe, fun trip.
Last night, probably while you were still in transit, History Channel ran a series of "Modern Marvels" about Disney World.

Interesting last line: "The best trip in the world doesn't compare to the feeling of being somewhere you belong..."
I'm sitting here on a wooden bench in front of my motel room in NH, watching the rain fall and the mist drifting over Cathedral Ledge, and this is totally where I belong. Going back home to CT in 8 more days is what will feel foreign to me.

Z@X said...

Weclome home!

libertyman said...

Well put, and a familiar feeling. Dorothy was right : "there's no place like home"

SCI-FI said...


(Breath now officially unheld)

Old NFO said...

The BEST is sleeping in your own bed... :-)

Christina RN LMT said...

Glad to hear you all got home safe and sound. Now it's back to the daily routine, and that can be a nice thing, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome home. Now it's range time.

Lissa said...

Welcome back!!