Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Was "Snakes on a Plane" supposed to be so crappy? I mean, really, was it intended to be a parody of an action movie, a farcical "let's see how many clichés we can cram into a movie" deal? I caught the last hour of it last night, and was amazed at how terrifically awful it was. I mean, we're talking train wreck here - you want to stop watching, but you just can't seem to pull yourself away. With every passing minute, you keep thinking "it can't possibly get any worse" - and then it does.

The only way I can see this ever getting made is that it was pitched as a subtle joke a la "Last Action Hero"...

That is all.


RW said...

Yes, it was supposed to be a throwback "B" movie.

TOTWTYTR said...

Wow! You actually watched it? I saw the title and the previews back when it was released and knew it was going to suck.

Jay G said...


That makes sense, actually. I was looking at all the hackneyed clichés and thinking "there's no way Samuel L. Jackson signed on to this turkey without a reason"...


I couldn't help it. Mrs. G. had it on downstairs while I was online...

Weer'd Beard said...

Word has it "Snakes on a Plane" was just the working title. Jackson read the script, and agreed, but only if the lame-ass title was kept for camp sake.

Brad_in_IL said...


Have you recently (or not so recently) watched Mars Attacks? It's another gem.

-- Brad_in_MA

Jay G said...

"We've still got 2 out of 3 branches of government, and that ain't bad!"

Yeah, I've seen it... :)

libertyman said...

Now, folks, it was nominated for an award a "Saturn Award" for best horror film!! That must be like the Nobel Peace Prize of movie awards!

Linoge said...

Was "Snakes on a Plane" supposed to be so crappy?

Uhm... duh. ;)

Pop N Fresh said...

now try Zombies on a Plane

zeeke42 said...

+1 to what WeerdBeard said. I'm pretty sure I saw SLJ say that in an interview. Also, the line 'Enough is enough, I have had it with the mfing snakes on this mfing plane' was originally from an online parody. It became so popular that they added it to the movie.

I saw the movie at the midnight opening showing. That was the right environment to see it. It's not a movie you watch by yourself; a large crowd of drunk people makes it more fun.

Anonymous said...

when the concept of the movie was leaked on the internet before filming began, a whole bunch of websites with suggestions sprung up. many of these were actually used in the movie

Christina RN LMT said...

I LIKED this movie. Just for being so over-the-top and silly. Plus, snakes don't make that ridiculous "cat-hissing" sound...so more to mock!

Ross said...

HEY!!! I liked Last Action Hero!

Toastrider said...

Trust me. Snakes On A Plane is /tame/ compared to some of Sci-Fi/SyFy Channel's original movies.

Jesus H. Christ I can't believe I sat through Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy. Even if my friend and I were mocking it.

Anonymous said...

It's called Snakes on a Plane.


Even the title sounds ridiculous. C'mon, it has to be a parody.

...at least, I thought it was. The movie never seemed to take itself seriously, IMO. I mean, everything about it is ridiculous, from start to finish.

Paul, Dammit! said...

I need to move to Hollywood. I can imagine the pitch to the studio:

"We'll see how many times Samuel L. Jackson can say variations on 'Motherfucker' without getting us an NC-17 rating, add some snakes, a plane, and let it go from there! It practically writes itself!"

I could do that.