Sunday, May 30, 2010




Psychology .
a. the tendency to ascribe to another person feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself, or to regard external reality as embodying such feelings, thoughts, etc., in some way.

Tea Party’s rise could undercut mainstream GOP

WASHINGTON — The Tea Party movement is energizing elements of the Republican Party and fanning an anti-Washington fervor, but the biggest beneficiaries in the midterm elections, pollsters and political analysts say, could be the main target of their anger: Democrats.

From North Carolina and Kentucky to Colorado and Nevada, candidates backed by Tea Party activists are making strong showings in primaries and opinion polls. Some of their campaigns, however, threaten to undercut GOP efforts to attract independents and moderates, prized voting factions in the general election.


If this were after the primaries, with a bunch of Tea Party candidates running third party races against Democrats and Republicans, there might be some truth to this line of thinking. Problem is, the Tea Party candidates are winning the GOP nominations. They're defeating the RINOs and incumbents in alarming numbers - because the people want the RINOs and incumbents out on their asses. The Tea Party candidates - despite an incessant smear campaign from the Dems and the media (but I repeat myself) are {GASP} getting their message out - and the people like it and are voting for it.

And this scares the establishment silly - and that's a good thing.

Read the article. Look between the lines - they (media/Dems) are in a full-fledged panic. They're using Paul's comments about the '64 Civil Rights Act - which Democrats voted against - to say that it might lead African Americans to vote for Democrats. That's desperation talking, folks. They know that Øbama has failed to deliver on his campaign promises - how's that closing of Gitmo going? Or bringing troops home. He's energized the right with his ØbamaCare and talk of further bailouts. He's spent more in his first year and a half in office than George Bush spent his entire eight years - proving that while Republicans love big government spending, Democrats love it even more.

They're running scared - and the desperation is palpable. There's still plenty of time until November, granted; we've got a full six months of propagandizing, biased reporting, and outright lies to disseminate before we get to the polls. There's plenty of time for the GOP to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory - this is the party that could screw up a wet dream - but they are being actively aided by the nimrods running things who do things like have the president of the United States - during wartime - skip the Memorial Day celebrations for a long weekend in Chi-Town.

Tone deaf - they haz it.

That is all.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Interesting isn't the word for it Jay, with BOTH parties running scared, who knows what's liable to come out... :-)