Thursday, July 22, 2010

Now That's A Crappy Thing To Do!

Newark Budget Cuts
MYFOXNY.COM - Things are getting so bad in Newark that the mayor has ordered the government to stop buying toilet paper.

It's part of Newark Mayor Cory Booker's belt-tightening plans that include reducing most city workers to a 4-day work week and shuttering city pools. Booker estimates that the pool closures alone would save $250,000. He also says that no gas will be purchased for municipal vehicles that are not deemed critically important.

Oh my. I wonder what the various and sundry unions will think of that... Oh, wait...
Police officers, firefighters and sanitation workers would not be affected by the furlough plan.

Wow, go figure. The mayor of Newark doesn't want to mess with the sanitation workers. He doesn't want to sleep with the fishes, apparently... Could there be any more fitting budget cut than city-wide toilet paper? I mean, really. It's perfect for NJ.

"Welcome To New Jersey. Hope you wiped."

That is all.

Props to PISSED for sending me this, err, shitty story...


TOTWTYTR said...

"Welcome to New Jersey, excuse if we don't shake hands."

Starik Igolkin said...

Come to think of it, in the absence of toilet paper tightening the belts may not be such a good idea...

BobG said...

I'll bet the mayor has plenty of government-bought toilet paper in his private toilet to his office.

They're missing an opportunity there. What they should do is to keep ordering the toilet paper, but charge the employees to use it.