Friday, July 30, 2010

Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before...

(image courtesy of Robb Allen)

Accused driver in fatal crash re-arrested

FALMOUTH – A man accused of killing a Bourne woman in a car crash last summer was arrested last week for violating his probation by getting behind the wheel again, reports the Cape Cod Times.

(More info here) Got that? He killed someone last year while driving drunk, was arraigned in November, and yet is out on the street violating the very terms of his probation in less than a year. I love the defense: He was testing the brakes on his grandfather's truck. Right. And those were Mookie's pants he was wearing, too... I'm getting sick of stories like these. It seems like time and again we hear about someone slapped on the wrist and let loose to offend again; our revolving-door justice system at work. The "ideas" we hear for reducing crimes are laughable rehashes of other states' attempts to hinder the law abiding - like ballistic fingerprinting or one-gun-a-month laws; all the while criminals walk into the "justice" system and out again in short order - sometimes in the same day.

Until we get serious about punishing criminals - about making the punishments so draconian that they won't dare re-offend - nothing we do is going to work. Passing all the laws in the world aimed at the already law-abiding will do nothing (except provide political cover, which is all these jackanapes want) to stop crime and everything to further hack away our rights and our freedoms. Because some idiot drove drunk and killed someone they want to mandate auto-lockouts for drunks - rather than actually toss the offender in jail. Because gangbangers break into houses and steal guns they want to limit us to one gun a month - rather than put - AND KEEP - those gangbangers in jail.

Why, it's almost like they want a criminal class to keep the law-abiding in check!

That is all.

Thanks to brad_in_ma for raising my blood pressure today...


Keystone said...

They are doing it in your best interest, Jay, come Sunday, you're blood pressure is gonna drop like a rock - they want to make sure it is high going in so you don't pass out!

B Smith said...

"It's almost like they WANT a criminal class to keep the law-abiding in check!"

Not to 'keep the law-abiding in check', but to keep congressmen in CONGRESS.