Friday, February 25, 2011

New Blogs! New Blogs!

Got a few new additions to the blogroll today:

1. The Minuteman. Barron actually e-mailed me to let me know he'd added me to his blogroll. Imagine that... (hint...)

2. The Hammer Zone. The Neophyte self-describes as "just an average 50 year old male, conservative and concerned about what kind of world my kids will inherit". Take 10 years off and that's me...

3. MAgunowner. Gee. I have nothing in common with this guy... A gunowner? In MA? Seems to me that's just ripe for another "Blogger I've Met"... ;)

4. North. This one's still got the new blog smell, but so far seems like a good guy. Especially with a header that says "Being a person, a husband, a maker of things - owning a gun, a grill, and a sense of humor". I approve.

5. Low Dog on the Totem Pole. I got an e-mail from Spikessib alerting me to yet another case of blog paternity. My second blogdaughter!

Welcome aboard, new blogs on the blogroll!

That is all.


North said...

Thank you for linking, Jay! I really like your blog.

Yes, the North blog is very new. Just a place for thoughts and some pictures. I have some reasonably good blog topics planned - like a case I make for pink guns - and they will appear as I can collect/express thoughts.

Pictures of small things (getting back into macrophotography after a few years) are, if you find them worthy, yours to use if you add attribution or link.

I'm glad to see you doing your best in MA.

TheMinuteman said...

From time to time, I have been known to pay attention to these strange symbols which have been linked together to form words and sentences.

Though I certainly read more and definitely have better comprehension skills that our elected governance. Maybe that's why they went into government.

MAgunowner said...

Thanks for the link, Jay!