Monday, May 23, 2011

Governor Clueless, Part ???

Heh. Stretch sends in a link to Howie Carr taking a few (well-deserved) pokes at our esteemed governor:

Deval Patrick, remember to forget

Hey Deval, be sure to wear a blue tie.

They say that’s what you’re supposed to wear when you’re testifying in a criminal case. For some reason it’s supposed to make you seem like you’re telling the truth. I seem to recall you wearing one in 2006 the first time you promised you were going to cut everybody’s property taxes if you were elected.

Ouch. Howie takes more potshots at the guv as Cadillac Deval prepares to take the stand in Sal DiMasi's corruption trial. Expect Patrick to deny everything up to and including the existence of a family named DiMasi as Sal's trial winds its way through the courts and the media. Sal's looking to make a trifecta of indicted Speakers of the House, following Tom Finneran and Charles Flaherty as Speakers driven from office in shame for corruption.

That's diversity in MA - we have corrupt Irish politicians *and* corrupt Italian politicians...

That is all.

1 comment:

Borepatch said...

That's diversity in MA - we have corrupt Irish politicians *and* corrupt Italian politicians...

Dude, why you hatin' on the Brother? Deval can be there, too!