Monday, May 30, 2011

The Hits, They Keep Coming...

Both Bob and reader Ben sent in today's addition to the DGC:

Man kills intruder at S.C. home days after burglary

SUMTER, S.C. Authorities say a man shot an intruder in his Sumter home just two days after it was broken into the first time.

Sumter County deputies told The Item of Sumter that someone broke into the man's home Wednesday night and took $3,400 worth of electronics.

The man told deputies he heard a noise around 4 a.m. Friday and came out of his bedroom with a handgun, firing three shots at a man in his living room.

Here we see another instance of a repeat burglary - apparently not enough goblins are getting the message that unauthorized entry into domiciles can lead to untimely ventilation. We must rectify this post haste. Unlike most of the previous DGCs recently, though, this one appears to be solo. In any case, we have a happy ending - the homeowner was not injured in the course of the home invasion.

Dead Goblin Count: 166

That is all.

1 comment:

Daniel in Brookline said...

Of course, what would make this story perfect is if he also got his stolen electronics back...