Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm Not The Only One...

Joking about the Rapture that wasn't...

I think my favorite is this one, because I can't help but think, looking at that picture, "well, at least he's got quiet now..."

That is all.


North said...

If he weren't so svelte and stunningly attractive that would be me.

And I'd be enjoying the quiet...

Stithjim said...

I've got some nice pictures of the rapture at a nudist colony...

Bubblehead Les. said...

Hey Jay, how come you ain't up here at St. Peter's Blogshoot? Free Barretts for Everyone, all the .50 Cal ammo you want, Snubbies From ....Down Below don't hurt at all, and they're quiet as a Mouse Fart....Oh, you didn't join the rest of us when the Heavenly Host showed up at 6:00? Ohhhh, that's Bad. BTW, John Moses says Hi!

Cemetery's Gun Blob said...

You have to realize, it wasn't that the Rapture people were wrong, it was the calendar that was wrong.

Mikael said...

What in the blazes happened to my MMO characters? Pwipe?