Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Internetless Update...

Mrs. G. just called. The Comcast guys are at the house now, and have been there looking around for about half an hour. They're technically within the time frame given for the visit ("sometime between 12 and 4") but they forgot to call ahead of time like I was promised they would last night. You see, since the phone at the house is out, we have to rely on our cell phones for communication. I wasn't about to give out the Mrs.' cell number to someone that didn't need it, so they were going to contact me.

Little things, but still irritating. Now, I realize that the Comcast customer service rep can't force the service guys to make the phone call, but I wonder what would have happened had my wife been out when they showed up. I had planned on calling her as soon as the call came in so that she would definitely be at the house; it is only through serendipity that she happened to be home when they arrived.

And from the sounds of things, it ain't gonna be fixed today - things may be getting ugly...

That is all.

UPDATE: I happily stand connected. The magic elf box is fixed. I have internets again. Can't stop the signal!


JD said...

one word - FIOS. . . dropped Comcast for FIOS and never looked back. . . .

Dave H said...

Your service guys might be contractors, which can translate to "don't care what Comcast said."

I don't have FIOS but I have to say, Verizon's treated me, well, less poorly than some telecoms. (Got their DSL. No complaints.)

Heh. Verification word is "dorkspro."

zeeke42 said...

I haven't had to deal with anyone from VZ other than the initial FIOS installer and the guy who brought out my cablecard. Both of theme were very professional and did a great job.

Jay G said...

Unfortunately, FIOS hasn't made its way to my town yet...

Unless something dramatic happened in the last 20 minutes, it looks like I'll be driving around looking for wifi hotspots...

Old NFO said...

I just got a letter (form, 1 each) advertising FIOS in my area, but honestly Comcast down here has been good.

Weer'd Beard said...

Hopefully Verizon will get off their ass and lay some glass in your town soon, Jay!

NFO, give FIOS a good look, I'm with JD, never looked back. I've never had a better service. It has literally NEVER gone down in 5+ years (and two locations), and the price is good.