Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No Blood For... Something!

Obama seeks congressional support for Libya mission

Washington (CNN) -- On deadline day, President Barack Obama on Friday sent a letter to Congress expressing support for a bipartisan resolution favoring military operations in Libya.

At issue: The 1973 War Powers Act, which says if the president does not get congressional authorization 60 days after military action, the mission must stop within 30 days.

So Øbama intends for us to be in Libya for more than 30 days, if he's submitting a formal request for a resolution. We've been there for 60 days already. We're signing up for > 30 days. At what point does this become an official act of war? As in "No War for Oil", that sort of thing. I'm sure we're all relieved that the warmongering cowboy is no longer in office, right? I mean, we were told, ad nauseum, how Iraq was "Bush's War"; by extrapolation what's happening in Libya is "Øbama's War"...

Any news on whether or not Cindy Sheehan has set up shop outside Barry's condo in Chicago?

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

No,no, this is still Bush's War. You see, if Bush had just supported the Self-Determination of the Ordinary Peace-Loving Arab, instead of keeping Evil Dictators like Mubarak, Khaddaffi and Netenyahu in Power for his so-called "War on Terror," then the Anointed One wouldn't have had to intervene in Libya for the "Sake of the Children." He's just cleaning up the Mess that Bush left him with, is all.

It's just like having to "Pass the Bill" to find out what's in it.

Or that it was GOOD for LBJ to get the Gulf of Tonken Resolution passed to send Big Army into Vietnam, while it was BAD for Nixon to send Big Army into Cambodia.

You'd think after all those years of Living in Massachusetts, that you would easily grasp how the Liberal Mind works.

I recommend heading to a Free State for a little bit and clearing out the Brain Cells from the contamination you get from Beantown.

How does Sunday, June 5th work for you?

bluesun said...

If you look around, Sheehan is still out there complaining bitterly, but she is no longer the press's darling. So maybe some good came from Obama after all?

Jay G said...

You know, if Sheehan is still protesting & complaining, she's at least consistent. That's a helluva lot more than you can say for the whackjobs on both sides of the aisle...

Weer'd Beard said...

People hated Bush so much they painted him brown and put a D after his name.

That'll show them!