Friday, June 10, 2011

Je Suis Shocked!

Patrick grants managers 3% raise

Governor Deval Patrick granted a 3 percent raise yesterday to 4,000 state managers beginning July 1, despite a budget that cuts higher education, local aid, and social services.

Patrick’s budget chief, Jay Gonzalez, sent a memo to Cabinet secretaries yesterday authorizing the raise, which will cost the state about $9.9 million and coincides with a salary increase for unionized employees. Managers have not had a pay raise since July 2007, a result of the fiscal crisis, and union members have seen only a 1 percent pay raise since that time.

Hmmm. I seem to recall someone being dubious about the dire claims of ZOMG BUDGET CUTS meaning, you know, actual cuts. It's great that, in these troubled economic times, state employees continue to get automatic pay raises. It's good to know that our loyal and steady state employees will continue to be rewarded for their hard work and diligence even as companies flee MA like rats...

MA: You're more likely to wallow up to the state trough here...

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Whew! I thought they'd be increasing your Taxes to pay for the Raises!

BTW, just how are they planning to pay for all those raises, anyway?

3 guesses, and the first 2 don't count.

Meanwhile, in Ohio, where 9 BILLION or so is being trimmed from the Budget WITHOUT a Tax Increase, the State Legislature is whining because they MIGHT have to take a 5% Pay CUT. But the Hogs ARE Screaming about the pay cut as being "Unconstitutional"! Funny thing is, the Republitards have a 2-1 Majority over the DemiCommies, but they are Panicking because they might have to lose some money, just like everyone else.

Can you say 'Hypocrite", Boys and Girls?

Old NFO said...

That's gonna be interesting...

greg said...

Here in Washington, they are doing about the same...the Legislature voted a pay cut of 3% for all other state workers, but decided it wasn't worth the effort to cut their own pay, because it would on be 'symbolic'.