Saturday, July 23, 2011


Vicious Circle #102 - Silent Warrior - is up for your listening pleasure.

Please join alan, Weerdbeard, ThotPolice, aepilotJim, Chance and Chase, FarmDad, Lawdog and Breda as we talk about the news of the day. This one was interesting. We started out quite serious, for a change, talking about the Canton, OH police video and associated. The militarization of police; the fact that police brutality, etc., has actually gotten quite a bit better; small town law enforcement; politics of policing; it's all covered - and with not one but two actual law enforcement professionals (and I use that word in all of its meanings, especially given the two gentlemen who joined us) giving their opinions both of the case but also of police work in general.

And then it got silly. I suppose we needed the relief from the seriousness of the topic, because, really? If you think too hard about the way things are headed it'll just make it too depressing. Episode links are here and are, for once, work-safe - unless you're the type to get your blood all angered up and throwing things...

Vicious Circle: More fun than having Maria from New Jersey as your babysitter.

That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was not embarrassing at all.
