Friday, July 22, 2011

Putting Two And Two Together...

Something just dawned on me. Take Officer Steroid. Give him a police car with a license plate scanner. Now give him a vendetta against, say, a CCW holder. Imagine the hell that could be unleashed against someone by a thug with a badge who can track your every move. Imagine for his entire 8 hour shift he makes a game of seeing how many tickets he can write - since he knows where you are every second of your day. Imagine him showing up at your work - and it wouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to divine where you worked; it's the only other place you spend 8 hours a day. Imagine just how bad an out-of-control officer could make things for someone if he had a plate scanner at his disposal. Especially in an "officer-can-do-no-wrong" place like Canton...

Now. Still support giving the police these shiny tools?

That is all.


Irish said...

Thanks JAY... now I'm going to have to have some beer just so I can sleep tonight!

Mike W. said...

And people wonder why I tell them the thing I MOST worry about when open carrying is the police.

Things like this are why.

Phillip said...

I haven't supported giving them almost ANY of the shiny toys they've been given for the past two decades. I've known enough officers that don't know the lines that should be drawn with what they had then, and definitely don't know where they should draw the lines now.

You think it's just urban legend that a police officer will run a background check on the boy coming to pick up his daughter? Heck, if you're lucky the guy will stop at the boy, they usually run the entire family, all the way out to second cousins. I've seen it happen, and have a sneaking suspicion it happened to me when I started dating the woman who became my wife. Having a black sheep brother didn't sit well with her grandfather, for some reason. It took a couple of years and a wedding for him to warm up to me.

wolfwalker said...

Like I've always said: before you give any power to a government agent, imagine that power in the hands of a government agent who doesn't like (or agree politically with) you.

Bubblehead Les. said...

And what did I tell you at 12:06 p.m. today?

Heath J said...

Testify, bro.

Our county sheriff just got one of those on board scanners that gets every passing car automatically. There's been a massive uptick of petty, bullshit tickets around here.